leaving Sydney 28th March on the Greyhound bound for Carins. We have just over a month to get to Carins, which is around 2700km (1700 miles)
Armed with my special Sciatica disarming cushion from the disability store in the UK..( yes I did fly my bum cushion over), we borded the death bus, our first stop is Port Macquarie.
Port Macquarie is a large(ish) town on the mid-North Coast of New South, located about 390 km North of Sydney, and 570 km South of Brisbane. I'm traveling with my new travel buddy Kat..(who by the way has already written a very comprehensible and extensive blog on the east coast, so if I'm boring you for whatever reason.. or you just can't understand a word I'm saying, just have a peep at hers instead) She's Austrian.. but appeared to be considerably more literate in English than me..which is fairly worrying.
We headed toward the Koala reserve and low and behold, saw our first wild Koala! It was quite a way up so I've posted a picture of some hanging bats instead, as the picture of the koala turned out looking like a grey tennis ball stuck up a tree.
We then visited a koala hospital on big orange push bikes we hired from the hostel. Poor poor koalas.. turns out the majority of them were actually suffering from "wet bottom" which roughly translates into Koala Chlamydia.(!)
Bad naughty bears!!
(Much hilarity ensued)..
Apart from Poorly Koalas with STDs, bats and push bikes, Port Macquarie has some amazing beaches and coastal walks which we explored on our new found two wheeled friends.
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