The Siwan people are very gentle and hospitable (when they realise your not a tourist!) and even though the town is full of men.. as the women rarely leave the house, they are considerably less sleazey that your typical Egyptian. Claudia the eldest is 14 and Angus is 13 and is into his computers games and all that jazz. Caudia generally hangs out with the souk lads in town.
It's early days but so far we seem to get on well considering. Living together however intense at times is nice as they have someone different to hang out with and I get shown around and introduced to the people they know. We also have created this little hobby named Sand Wrestling which generally occurs after I've had a few vodkas and they are bored and I refuse to attempt Monopoly for the 6th time that week. We all let off a little steam and everyone's a winner!
So school starts at 9am and we have 3 subjects a day ( which involves me doing a lot of reading in the evenings in a desperate attempt to be one step ahead all the time) and finish at 1pm. After lunch we all head into town which is a 20 min cycle ride on sandy dirt tracks. The shop they rent sells traditional Siwan Jewelry which Penny goes to Cairo to scavenge form dusty old bric a brac shops and then polishes up and sell back in Siwa. This is where I start doing the designs and compiling copy for Duncans new website idea.
Up until about 6 days ago we had a reasonable internet connection. However, the word on the street is that some guy who was buying the internet from some network and selling it to people ( including us) had not paid his bill. He has also, we have now found out done a runner from Siwa completely and is now officially AWOL, leaving siwa without a a mega byte in sight. The town can not get a new account as he has to pay for and close his first.
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