Thursday, December 30, 2010

Siwa Oasis, Egypt

View of Siwa Oasis from the Old Shali Fortress

After a brief stint in the UK I decided to take a a less conventional job in the middle of the dessert. Home schooling two children and designing websites and general Graphic design duties. Here goes my first blog post.

I've been I've been seriously busy trying to get into my new routine whilst adapting to 24/7 children and a crazy Siwan souk. anyway, since I started writing this a few new things have happend. With no electricity at the house were I STILL live means I can only write until my laptop battery runs out.. which is up to about 20 mins.

My tolerance for small people and their evil ways has increased which can only be a good thing. I don't feel the impulse to stab hot needles up through my fingernails every day like I may or may not have done in the first week..!

The Kids are great 90% of the time, and considering their situation I think they're pretty cool characters.

The Souk is the center of the town where all the shops are but as with most deserty countries.The traffic does what it wants and consists of Donkey and carts, the odd runaway donkey, motobikes, and desert Jeeps. Among the many Donkeys and Galabaya (whites mens dresses) clad Siwan men is the odd tourist wandering the piss soaked streets in search of food and water. The town is so small everyone knows everyone and I'm known as "Teach" the main reason is my name "Anna" actually means "me" or "I am" in arabic.. so you can imagine the confusion this causes! And everyone I've met so far refuses to believe me when I tell them I'm English.

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