My plan now, since I am without gas of the useful variety, is I'm about to make tinned Tuna for tea.
..I however, it turned out I never got to make my cold tuna flat bread.
I had met a guy called Khaled a few days back. I met him whilst chatting to a group of siwan boys in the souk with Claudia, Angus and Sasha. He seemed nice. He was apparently from America and was a teacher who also spent a year teaching in Abu Dhabi. He was very open and a bit on the gay side and ended up confessing his bisexuality to the whole group..whom all thought was a tad forward since we had only just met him. claudia and him got on a treat ( as she loves anything to do with sex and what not). She is a 14 year old Girl trapped in a deserty town after all). I bumped into him in the souk a couple of times after that. Anyway, earlier tonight I heard a scuffle out side my door and what I thought was Khaled's voice attempting to sound authoritative and manly. I could make out something along the lines of
"I'm not giving you money for you to sit in my flat"....bla bla bla.."You said nothing about money..I'm not paying you"..bla bla bla.
The hulabaloo persisted for a while until eventually I opened my door which is right next to and at right angles to his.I decided on the entrance of ( you'll have to pardon my French here) "What the fuck's going on?" Khaled was in the door way of his apartment and inside was a boy called Mouhi. Mouhi is a donkey boy. He drives a donkey cart around the town ferrying tourists about the place. "The Donkey Boys" are known for their mischief, which in Siwa only means they hang around town all day with the other boys and occasionally taxi people about . They however give the place a vibe and they are heart and soul of the souk. Not exactly sex drugs or rock and roll...well, not the later anyway.
So, I enter the feud mid commotion. Khaled is saying he's not giving Mouhi any money..still, and I instantly recognise Mouhi. I've met him a few times already. He is 18, has a huge crush on me and follows me around town in a cart sometimes but is harmless and is as thin as a rake. I turn to him and ask him what's going on. He looks at me and in his best English mixed with rather more intelligible signing of the hands tells me that Khaled is no good and he is staying here until he gets his money.
khaled, I can see is sweating a little and so I attempt to make pleasantries with him to make him feel less humiliated. Mouhi may be a stringy Siwa bean pole but he's around 5 10". Khaled is a bit shorter but there is slightly more to him.
"Oh my, I thought it was you! Do you live here?, only ...I recognised your voice and I thought what on earth is happening.. bla bla.." I did however know that he was living next to me. I just hadn't had the time to make nicey nice. A few hurried exchanges later I decided the best plan would be to try and charm Mouhi away form Khaled's front door and ask him alone what the hell was going on. I beckon him outside to the stairwell at which point the door slam and locks faster than you can say 'something dodgy'
From the extremely confusing interchange that followed, a slightly darker picture began to emerged and it went something like this;
"What are you doing?"
"He very bad no good" *pointing to the now closed door*
"OK, but why you need money?" *International sign language for money*
"We come, two woman, after sex..."
"whoa whoa..after what?"
"We here, after the sex, one she go..(made a rather brutal double hand gesture towards the stairwell)
"Why you give money to him?" ( mainly executed with pointing movements)
I was beginning to hope that firstly; there wasn't a mangled prostitute all dead and limp at the bottom of my stair well, and secondly that what I was beginning to suspect wasn't true.
Mouhi looked at me with his puppy-dog 'I'm all innocent eyes' before beginning to bang repeatedly on Khaled's door again. I was in two minds as to whether to admit that i actually lived next door which might spell disaster for me for all of the rest of my stay here in Siwa, orwalk down the stairs into the street with nothing but my house keys. Mouhi was inside Khaled's apartment when I initially appeared. For all he knew I could have just been aimlessly taking a stroll up to the top floor of some unknowns apartment and stumbled upon a ruckus. Either or, I decided my perrogative was to get Mouhi away mine and Khaled's apartments pronto. I asked him for a cigarette. Whilst trying not to couch up my lungs and look like I didn't mean business, ( which I most definitley did ) I managed to calm Mouhi down a couple of notches. He was defiant that he would stay outside the door until Khaled came out. I asked him please not to bang on the door and he agreed to just wait outside and turn off the light. I told (part gestured) to him that indeed Khaled may not be good but you can get the money bouchra, tommorrow.
Mouhi didn't hesitate to tell me that when Khaled comes out the will strangle him for the 200 LE he owes him for the girls he brought him.
I retired to my apartment and started this part of my journal entry, one ear on the door and one the stiff Vodka and lemonade I had promptly poured myself.
All was all good on the western front for all of twenty minutes. In which time was so impressed with the fact that Mouhi actually did sit in the dark on the stairwell for that long without making a sound that I flicked him a cigarette under the door in a vain attempt to halt the seige. All noises ceased. After 10 minutes of silence and I heard a measly knock at my door. I opened the door and I could see Mouhi had decided to postpone his stairwell stake-out in favour of taking his donkey to bed and avoid being spanked my his father.
Tomorrow I will seek the truth as to what lies beneath the story of the sordid stairwell. I don't think I will have to look far. New travels faster than nukes in this town.
All I can say at this point is; I really hope Mouhi doesn't moonlight as a pimp, and that I hope Khaled wasn't so naive as to think that you don't tip a Donkey boy when he delivers your goods.
Claudia is super excited at the prospect of me living next door to a whore house.
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